The Application to solve your Cases in the Cloud.
In the world of CFD, FE and multiphysics simulations, we found that most CAE approaches have three common deficiencies:
- They lack efficiency!
- They lack perspective!
- They are very costly!
It is our mission to change that by creating and offering the cloud-based Kaleidosim simulation platform.
Succeed with Kaleidosim //
Our Team – Swiss Startup based in Zurich
We are a Swiss startup based in the beautiful city of Zurich and can look back on over 25 years of experience in software development, cloud-technology and high-performance-computing. Also: we love computational fluid dynamics and computer aided engineering. We came to the conclusion that most real-life modelling tasks cannot really be represented by just one single, nor by a handful of simulations. Just like the world itself, technical systems are usually much more complex, more diverse and feature vast amounts of possible variations. It is clear that the cloud can revolutionise the way we approach such problems. The cloud however, in all its ferocity, needs orchestration. Kaleidosim is our answer!

1. Research & Devolopment.
Our team has a combined experience of over 25 years within research, development and science. We use our platform ourselves, every day – we built it because we understand many challenges and requirements. We do not fully solve your challenge yet? Please let us know!
2. Engineering
The KaleidoSim development team is composed of Software Engineers, CFD-Engineers and Physicists. All of us have dealt and still deal with similar challenges as you probably do – KaleidoSim offers you a way to approach some of them most effectively.

3. Business
Our founding team has long-standing experience in management and business. We first developed KaleidoSim to use it ourselves. Now we’re opening it up, as it might help solve your challenges and meet your requirements too! And again: if you miss a feature that would make your day easier, drop us a line – we’re striving for THE most powerfull OpenFoam® cloud-computing platform and every input is highly appreciated!
Our Experience in Numbers
Combined our team can look back on the following numbers of years of experience.

Drop us a Line and
let’s discuss your Venture!
Curious and want to check out new possibilities? Then get in touch and let’s get started with lifting your software to the cloud.
Write [email protected] or
Call +41 44 500 1179
for more information