Scientific Partners

We strive to enable our treasured clients & partners to master the cloud!


Open Source CFD


Horizon 2020 Program

Partners and Applications

Meet our treasured partners! Outstanding developers and providers of high Performance Computing software, desined in order to enable their uses to obtain the very insight they need to develop next-generation devices, designs and processes. We at Kaleidosim specialize in helping our partners to leverage their technology to the cloud.

Orchestrate the cloud via Javascript or Python directly from your software

Open source, C++ based multi-purpose CFD software

The Digital Material Laboratory

A high performance bioreactor simulation tool

What our
Clients say

“Math2Market and KaleidoSim have cooperated and worked closely throughout the process of providing Cloud Services to our clients for our software GeoDict. We find KaleidoSim to be very professional and quick in their responses. We highly recommend the quality of their Cloud Services and look forward to continue working with them in the future.”

MATH2MARKETDr. Mathias Fingerle, Business Manager Batteries and Fuel Cells, MATH2MARKET

“Kaleidosim is always there to help us immediately and competently whenever we encounter any problem when using OpenFoam or while calculating in the cloud.”

Eugen Loos, R&D Engineer / Project Leader, Wagner International AG

“As a freelancing CFD-engineer, I need a way to run my cases most cost efficiently without any longstanding upkeep and maintenance costs attached. KaleidoSim’s fair “pay-as-you-go” approach to pricing has allowed me to run my OpenFOAM® cases in the cloud without having to invest in hardware. I’d definitely recommend their product to companies but also individuals that want to stop investing in hardware.”

Tarcisi Cantieni, Freelance CFD-Engineer, Self-employed

Drop us a Line and
let’s discuss your Venture!

Curious and want to check out new possibilities? Then get in touch and let’s get started with lifting your software to the cloud.

Sign Up Now!

Write [email protected] or
Call +41 44 500 1179
for more information