Start using Kaleidosim Cloud Platform for OpenFOAM today

Kaleidosim is proud to present you with the Kaleidosim Cloud Platform for OpenFOAM.
It is nothing short of the most advanced, intuitive, seamless and customizable integration-technology of cloud-power into your OpenFOAM workflows, that you have ever seen. Whether you want to use our cloud interface to upload and prepare your OpenFOAM cloud runs, or whether you wish to seamlessly integrate Kaleidosim cloud technology into your software via our KaleidoAPI.

Contact us to get started

Whether you want to run individual simulation cases using any OpenFOAM version on the latest hardware, or whether you would like to unleash and orchestrate 100s of simulation-runs simultaneously in the cloud …
Kaleidosim for OpenFOAM enables you to do just that at the ease of a click. Revolutionise your workflows for parameter studies, optimisation or ensemble computing in general. With Kaleidosim you can achieve speed-up factors of 50-100 while saving costs and valuable work-time spent. See our Simple Instructions below and watch our 5min Youtube Tutorial to get started within minutes.

Kaleidosim for OpenFOAM in a Nutshell

Simply usable

Get from sign up to your first running case in no time! We offer seamless usability from any web connected device. Start simulations online and keep track of them, whenever – wherever. Local or mobile.

Simply affordable

Attractive pricing: pay for as many core hours as you need with our cloud CFD-Simulation product. No auto-renewal or monthly fees are applied and a core hour only costs $0.14!

Simply adjustable

Your cases need more CPU? No problem, start virtual machines with up to 224 cores. Not enough memory? Start virtual machines with 4 GB memory per core!

Simply secure

The security of your cloud data is one of our highest priorities. All our disks are encrypted. No one else but you has access to your projects and cases.

Simply powerful

Experience the power of the cloud! Instead of one case, run as many cases as you want in the same amount of time. Simply run CFD in the browser and discover the benefits!


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How to get started

Kaleidosim for OpenFOAM – Get going within 5min //


Find here all information in order to start using Kaleidosim for OpenFOAM.


This is what you need to prepare in order to get started.

Run Tutorial

Run our online tutorial in order to get you going within 5 min.


In order to become an expert user in no-time, scour our advanced tutorial videos.

1. Introduction

Kaleidosim cloud platform for OpenFOAM is specifically tailored to fit seamlessly into your existing OpenFOAM workflows. Regardless of whether you are preparing your OpenFOAM cases text-file-style or whether you use any graphical user interface,… you will be able to use Kaleidosim cloud platform anyway. All you need is a zipped version of the OpenFOAM case you wish to run in the cloud.
To log in to Kaleidosim for OpenFOAM & to obtain plenty of added info go here:

2. Prerequisits

What you need to have to complete this task:

  • A user account on

  • A zip-file of the OpenFOAM case you wish to run in the cloud

  • Google-Chrome Browser (recommended)

  • A local test run of the OpenFOAM case, specifically for Kaleidoscope projects* (recommended)

*Kaleidoscope project: You use one single zipped OpenFOAM base-case which Kaleidosim can multiply into a parameter study of hundreds of simulation runs, conducted simultaneously in the cloud.

3. Run Tutorial

Run our Online Tutorial:

4. Resources & Advanced Tutorials

For advanced tutorials, resources and additional information about Kaleidosim for OpenFOAM, visit:

Speed up your

The Kaleidosim cloudCompanion for Comsol speeds up any cluster sweep to a point where doing any number of simulations, feels like conducting just one single simulation run.

Increase your productivity //

Compute more

The Kaleidosim cloudCompanion for Comsol will dramatically boost your simulation output per work-hour spent, data-density and thus predictive quality of your simulations.

Minimize work-time spent //

Cut costs

Save valuable work-time-spent as you seemlessy integrate the Kaleidosim cloudCommpanion into your Comsol workflow. Spend minutes instead of hours on parameter studies, sensitivity analysis and ensemble computing in general.

Integrate seamlessly

Kaleidosim for OpenFOAM is the most advanced and easy to use cloud portal for Foamers out there. It has been designed for 100% seamless integration into your already existing OpenFOAM workflows.
Whether you want to use the Kaleidosim Online User-Interface or whether you wish to directly link your software to the cloud via Kaleidosim Cloud API… in any case, your jaws will be on the floor.

Drop us a line
if you have any questions!

Encountering problems with downloading, setting up or installing the cloudCompanion? Just contact us 24/7. We will get back to you ASAP.

Sign Up Now!

Call +41 264 320 for more information